Cats Are Retarded? – Introduction Firstly, it’s important to understand that how a cat’s intelligence is measured differs from a dog’s. Dogs are known to be highly trainable, which means their intelligence is often measured based on their ability to follow commands. However, cats are more independent and have a different set of skills. They are excellent problem solvers with ...

Maxwell Cat Breed – Introduction If you are a cat lover or interested in adopting a cat, you might have encountered the Maxwell cat breed. The Maxwell cat breed is one of the lesser-known cat breeds, but it is becoming increasingly popular among cat enthusiasts. This article will discuss everything you need to know about the Maxwell cat breed, from ...

Does Siberian Cat Shed – Introduction Siberian cats are a popular breed known for their thick, luxurious coat and their friendly, playful personality. One question many prospective owners have is whether Siberian cats shed and, if so, how much. Do Siberian cats shed a lot? The answer is yes Siberian cats shed, but the amount can vary from cat ...

Pulling Clumps of Hair from Dog – Introduction As a responsible pet owner, it is essential to maintain your dog’s coat by regular brushing and grooming. However, sometimes, your dog’s fur can develop clumps, which can be unsightly, uncomfortable, or even painful for your furry friend. If you notice clumps of hair on your dog, you must remove them immediately ...

Can Cats See Infrared – Introduction Cats have excellent vision and unique abilities that set them apart from humans and other animals. However, their vision is not the same as infrared vision, which is a type of vision that some animals possess to see heat signatures. What makes cats’ vision so special? Cats are known for their ability to see ...

Cat’s Tail Fell Off – Introduction If your cat’s tail fell off off, it is important to understand the potential causes and seek veterinary care immediately. A cat’s tail serves many purposes, including balance, communication, and even as a weapon for defense. Losing a tail can greatly impact a cat’s quality of life and overall health. What do I do ...

Can a Cat Get Kennel Cough From a Dog? – Introduction Kennel cough is a highly contagious virus affecting dogs’ and cats’ upper respiratory tract. Kennel cough is caused by a strain of the Bordetella bronchiseptica bacterium, which can be found in either kennels or pet-friendly houses. Symptoms of kennel cough include dry hacking, runny nose and watery eyes, congestion, ...

Do Cats Have Belly Buttons? – Introduction The answer is no if you’ve ever wondered whether your cat has a belly button. Cats do not have belly buttons but have an underbelly like humans. This can be unclear because we tend to picture cats as having smooth skin underneath their bellies, but that’s not true! Cats have fur instead of ...

Can Cats Eat Ice Cream? – Introduction The American Pet Products Association (APPA) has reported over 75 million cats in the United States. The average American pet owner spends around $1,000 on their pet yearly, and about 25% of those expenditures go towards food. That means Americans give their cats an average of one pound per day! Is Ice Cream ...

Male Tabby Cat Life Expectancy – Introduction Male cats tend to be more active than females. Males often play with toys, chase after prey and explore new places, while females are likelier to sleep or lounge around the house. While this may seem like a big difference, it reflects how different roles in society have changed over time–men were once ...