How Far Can Cats Fall Without Hurting Themselves – Introduction Cats are known for their feline agility and acrobatic skills. Still, if you’ve ever been lucky enough to witness one of your favorite pets performing a feat that requires great strength and balance, you may wonder how far cats can fall without hurting themselves. The answer is simple: pretty close! ...

Is It Possible to Crossbreed A Cat and A Dog? – Introduction The question of crossbreeding a cat and dog is important because it can help you improve your pet’s health. Crossbreeding a cat and dog is a challenging task. There are many challenges involved in this procedure, but if you know what you are doing, then it will be ...

How Do Feral or Abandoned Cats Survive The Winter Cold? – Introduction Feral cats are the most common kind of cat that you will find in urban areas. They are also known as alley cats, free-range cats and wildcats. Feral cats live outdoors and eat rodents and other small animals they catch. They don’t like being around people, so they ...

What to Do If A Black Cat Crosses Your Path – Introduction If you are concerned about the welfare of an animal, contact your local animal control authorities or the Humane Society. If a stray cat appears on your doorstep, it is time for action. You can take one of two routes when it comes to dealing with strays. Try ...

Do Cats Like Music – Introduction Cats love music. Some cats will even positively respond to music if appropriately trained; others may need more training or supervision when exposed to new sounds at first. If your kitty likes music (and who doesn’t?), here are some things you should know about teaching them how! How Music for Cats Works: Cats ...

Why Do Cats Have 09 Lives But Other Animals/Pets Don’t – Introduction Cats are one of the most popular pets in the world, but they’re also notorious for their feline eccentricities. From having nine lives to surviving in harsh environments and circumstances, unlike other animals, it’s clear that cats have something special about them. So what exactly makes our fur ...

Can Cats Be Gay – Introduction Cats can be gay, and yes, it’s true. They’re not as aware of their sexuality as humans are, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings for other cats. Can Cats Be Gay? Check out these #CatFacts! | @CatLadyTails : Yes! While it’s true that some cats are more likely to be bisexual, ...

How Long Does It Take For A Cat To Learn Its Name? – Introduction Cats are brilliant, but they can be tricky to train. They don’t respond well to being scolded or punished, so you must use positive reinforcement instead! But if you’re up for the challenge, here are some tips on how long it takes for cats to learn ...

How to Know If Your Cats Have Mated – Introduction It’s time to let the cats out. You know what I’m talking about if you have a couple of felines. But if it’s been a while since your cats have had sex, and you want to check up on them, read this post! How do I know if my cat ...

Can Cats See Things That Humans Can’t – Introduction Cats are known for their sharp eyesight, but they’re better at seeing than you might think. The feline species can see much better in low light than humans, and some cats even use their whiskers as extra senses that help them navigate their environment. While this may seem like an advantage ...