Shen Nathan

Shen Nathan

Hi, I'm the founder of AdoptAnim!
I have always wanted to help animals, so when I learned about the need for pet adoption, I knew it could help others.
I have worked with pets since I was a child, and now that I am older, my passion for helping animals has only increased. My goal is to see as many animals as possible find their forever homes by providing them with financial support and information on how to care for them properly.
Animals are so much more than just cute, furry creatures—they're also powerful agents of change. They help us see our humanity and remind us that we can be better than we are.
I started this company to help people connect with animals on a deeper level, and we've done that! We work with rescue groups all over the country to find homes for dogs and cats, but we also do pet therapy, adoption and sharing knowledge about pets. We want to make sure that every rescue group has access to the resources necessary to keep their animals happy, healthy, and safe while they wait for their forever homes. The best part is that we can do all this because we love animals ourselves!



Dr. Andrew Markus is a veterinarian who has been in practice for over 20 years. He has been working with animals her entire life and loves helping them get the best possible care.
Dr. Andrew graduated from veterinary school in 1998 and then completed a residency program at Long Island Veterinary Specialists, where he specialized in treating companion dogs and cats.
He is always excited to meet new patients, especially those with animals that need to be cared for by someone who truly understands their needs!



Dr. Jamie Anderson is a veterinarian with over a decade of experience in the field. She has worked at several extensive animal facilities and has been involved in various specializations, including general practice, emergency medicine, and surgery. She received her bachelor's degree in zoology from the University of Texas at Austin, followed by an M.D. from Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine in 2003. She completed her residency training in small animal medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine in 2006.
During that time, she also served as an adjunct professor teaching veterinary students how to manage emergencies related to animals' health issues and behaviors in real-life situations throughout their careers as veterinarians. As part of her university work, she also researched topics such as canine behavior problems and dog-human communication behaviors.
Today Dr. Jamie continues to conduct research related to canine behavior problems and dog-human communication behaviors while also providing care for individual animals that have behavioral or health issues

Phil Topkins

Phil Topkins

Phil is a fantastic person. He is always up for a challenge and has a great sense of humor. He is also very hard-working, which is something to admire.
He has been working with the team for over three years now and enjoys his job because he works with amazing people who want to help animals in need!