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Do Axolotls Swim or Walk? – Fascinating Swimming and Crawling Abilities of Axolotls


Do Axolotls Swim or Walk? – Introduction

Do Axolotls Swim or Walk?

Axolotls, unique and fascinating aquatic creatures, are known for their distinctive appearance and captivating abilities. One question often arises when discussing axolotls is whether they swim or walk. These extraordinary creatures display a remarkable combination of swimming and walking skills.

Native to the freshwater lakes of Mexico City, axolotls belong to the salamander family, but unlike most salamanders, they retain their juvenile characteristics throughout thei lifespan. This phenomenon, known as neoteny, allows them to keep their gills and remain aquatic instead of undergoing metamorphosis into a terrestrial form.

One of the most distinctive features of axolotls is their ability to swim with grace and agility. They possess a strong and muscular tail, which serves as their primary means of propulsion in the water. With a side-to-side movement, the axolotl gracefully propels itself forward, gliding through the water effortlessly. Their webbed feet, located on their stubby legs, also aid in stabilizing their movements and maintaining balance while swimming.

While swimming is their preferred mode of locomotion, axolotls can also limit walking or crawling. Their legs are relatively short and stubby, which makes walking on land challenging. Instead of lifting themselves off the ground fully, axolotls drag their bodies using their limbs, resembling a crawling motion. This crawling ability allows them to explore shallow waters or navigate submerged vegetation when necessary.

Although they can crawl, it’s important to note that axolotls are primarily adapted to live in the water and are not designed for extended periods on land. Their delicate skin lacks the protective layers to prevent dehydration, making them highly susceptible to drying out. Therefore, ensuring their habitat provides the appropriate water conditions to maintain their health and well-being is crucial.

Do axolotls swim or walk in the water? 💧 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9SVtljIGY7o&pp=ygUZRG8gQXhvbG90bHMgU3dpbSBvciBXYWxrPw%3D%3D

Axolotls: Mastering the Art of Movement

Regarding movement, axolotls are in a league of their own. These incredible creatures can effortlessly glide through the water, propelled forward by their strong, muscular tails. With each graceful movement, they leave a sense of awe.

Swimming: Their Preferred Mode of Locomotion

For axolotls, swimming is not just a means of getting from point A to point B; it is their preferred mode of locomotion. With their streamlined bodies and perfectly designed tails, they are built for the water. As they gracefully swim, their webbed feet, located on their stubby legs, aid in stabilizing their movements and maintaining balance. It’s as if they were born to be underwater ballerinas!

Crawling: Exploring Land in Their Own Unique Way

While swimming may be their forte, axolotls are not completely helpless on land. With relatively short and stubby legs, walking becomes quite a challenge for these amphibians. Instead of lifting themselves off the ground fully as other animals do, axolotls resort to a different approach – crawling.

Picture this: an axolotl is dragging its body along using its limbs in an almost reptilian fashion. There may be more elegant ways to get around on land, but it gets the job done. This crawling ability allows these fascinating creatures to explore shallow waters or navigate submerged vegetation when necessary.

A Word of Caution: The Aquatic Life Is Their True Home

While axolotls can crawl on land when needed, it is important to remember that they are primarily adapted for an aquatic lifestyle. Their delicate skin lacks the protective layers to prevent dehydration, making them highly susceptible to drying out. Extended periods on land can be detrimental to their health and well-being.

Creating the Perfect Habitat

To ensure the happiness and well-being of your axolotl, it is crucial to provide them with an environment that meets their specific needs. A well-maintained tank or aquarium with clean water, appropriate temperature, and good filtration systems is essential. A substrate miming their natural habitat, such as sand or fine gravel, can also make them feel more at home.

Axolotls: Captivating and Remarkable Creatures

Axolotls are truly captivating animals with unique characteristics and locomotive skills. Their mastery of swimming, propelled by their strong tails and aided by their webbed feet, is a sight to behold. And while their crawling abilities may not be as impressive as their aquatic acrobatics, they can explore the land when necessary.


In conclusion, while axolotls are predominantly aquatic creatures, they possess both swimming and crawling abilities. Their strong, muscular tails enable them to swim gracefully through the water, while their short legs allow for limited crawling on land. Their unique combination of characteristics and locomotive skills make axolotls truly captivating and remarkable animals.

So next time you observe these incredible creatures gracefully gliding through the water or attempting a clumsy crawlok on land, take a moment to appreciate their extraordinary adaptability and marvel at the wonders of nature. Axolotls are living proof that there’s always something new to discover in the animal kingdom!

More Links :

Is an Axolotl a Fish? Understanding the Differences between Axolotls and Fish in ’23! https://adoptanim.com/is-an-axolotl-a-fish/

Dr. Andrew Markus
Dr. Andrew Markus is a veterinarian who has been in practice for over 20 years. He has been working with animals her entire life and loves helping them get the best possible care. Dr. Andrew graduated from veterinary school in 1998 and then completed a residency program at Long Island Veterinary Specialists, where he specialized in treating companion dogs and cats. He is always excited to meet new patients, especially those with animals that need to be cared for by someone who truly understands their needs!