Axolotl Pale Gills

Axolotl Pale Gills


Axolotl Pale Gills – Introduction

Axolotl Pale Gills
Do Axolotls lay eggs?

Axolotls are a fascinating salamander species with a fantastic ability to regenerate lost tissue. They also have unique gills on their sides that chemicals or stressors can damage. This article will focus on the pale gills in an axolotl, what causes them, and treatment options for this condition if your pet develops it.

AXOLOTL HEALTH ISSUES & TREATMENTS | What to Do If Your Axolotl Is Sick:

Axolotl Pale Gills

Axolotl pale gills are a common problem in axolotls and other aquatic salamanders. They’re caused by a bacterial infection that can be treated with antibiotics, but it’s also possible to treat them with a topical antibiotic.

What is a pale gill?

When you see pale gills on your fish, it’s a sign of stress. A stressed fish may also show other symptoms like loss of appetite and weight loss. Pale gill coloration can be caused by disease or poor water quality, so if you notice this issue in your tank, it’s best to get rid of any infected fish immediately and replace them with new ones.

Pale gill coloration is typical among hobbyists who feed their pet salamanders a diet consisting solely of crickets (or similar insects). Crickets are chitin-based creatures that contain high amounts of iron oxide pigments; these pigments tend to stain the bodies and fins greenish yellow when ingested by most animals except humans, who have developed resistance due to our large intake of meatless diets over time during civilization, where agriculture wasn’t available yet during prehistoric times.”

Causes of Pale Gills in Axolotls

A virus causes pale gills. They’re common in axolotls and can be treated with medication.

Treatment for Pale Gills in Axolotls

If you have pale gills, it’s time to get them back into action! Here are some of the options:

Change your water parameters. The pH level of the water should be around seven or higher. This can be done by adding an aquarium salt like SeaChem Filtered Aquarium Salt™ or Seachem Prime™, which neutralizes acidity levels. It would help if you also ensured there were no ammonia spikes within 24 hours of changing your water column (an ammonia spike is when there’s too much nitrate in the tank). Check out our guide on testing for proper nitrite/nitrate levels here!

Pale gills are typical and need to be treated.

Pale gills are typical, and they can be treated. Treatments are only sometimes easy or practical, but they do exist. Some treatments include :

  • Vaseline
  • Olive oil (1 drop per day)
  • Urine treatment


The pale gill is the most common symptom of axolotl health, caused by a fungal infection. Sometimes, this can be treated with antifungal medications or antifungal treatments. If your axolotl has pale gills, contact your veterinarian immediately so he can diagnose what kind of fungus is causing them and start treatment for you!

More Links:

Are Axolotls Legal in Nevada? – A Comprehensive Guide in ’23!

Can Axolotls Eat Chicken Meat? Amazing Facts about What to Feed Your Axolotl :

Dr. Andrew Markus
Dr. Andrew Markus is a veterinarian who has been in practice for over 20 years. He has been working with animals her entire life and loves helping them get the best possible care. Dr. Andrew graduated from veterinary school in 1998 and then completed a residency program at Long Island Veterinary Specialists, where he specialized in treating companion dogs and cats. He is always excited to meet new patients, especially those with animals that need to be cared for by someone who truly understands their needs!