Are Cats More Intelligent than Humans?

Are Balinese Cats Hypoallergenic? Don’t Guess It, Just Read This

The Balinese cat is long-haired and an awesome pet to be the owner of. The history of this cat starts long back with the natural mutation of the Siamese cat. The Balinese cats have their own characteristics. Therefore, they fall into a separate category of Balinese rather than pure-bred Siamese cats. In this article, you will get answers to “are Balinese cats hypoallergenic” and some crucial info in between.

Balinese cats are brilliant, which is why people call them intelligent cats. Also, these cats love to stay with humans. When bringing a new pet to your place, you must consider several factors, one of which is whether they are prone to any allergies. Hypoallergic means that there are few or no allergies related to something.

So, in case you are planning to buy a Balinese cat, it is essential to consider whether Balinese cats are hypoallergenic. By reading the article, you will be able to find whether it is safe to have Balinese cats at home or will these cause any allergies. 

Balinese cats look attractive with their creamy body, long fur, and sapphire blue eyes. People love to have Balinese cats as their pets. When taking a new pet to your place, regardless of the animal type or breed, you must always ensure that it gives a positive vibe and will not cause harm to you or the surrounding. If you intend to bring home a Balinese cat, please make sure the cat’s health condition and read a review like this on “are Balinese cats hypoallergenic.” There are a few common things you must know regarding Balinese cats, and this article will help you figure out whether Balinese cats are hypoallergic.


What Is a Balinese cat?

The Balinese cats are amiable and love socializing with other pets and people at home. These cats are intelligent and will always be curious to learn something new. If you intend to have a Balinese cat at home, you must entertain them, provide them with toys to play with, and also, they will need exercise.

Balinese breed is attractive, and although different colors are present most commonly, you will see the cat with a creamy body. The vivid blue eyes make the cat look pretty gorgeous and adorable. Many people love to have a Balinese cat because of its appearance, intelligence, and socializing nature. 

Balinese cats weigh around 6 to 11 pounds and have long bodies. Since this breed loves to stay around people or pets, you must ensure you don’t put them alone. Balinese cats will not prefer staying alone for too long, and if they remain alone, they will start showing aggressive behaviors.

Around companions, the Balinese cat will remain super cool and will actively play and try to learn new kinds of stuff. Besides the kind and affectionate nature, you must also know are Balinese cats hypoallergenic?

 Are Balinese Cats Hypoallergenic?

If you are prone to allergies, then among the wide range of cats, you will have a limited list of breeds that will not cause any allergies. Just imagine you are bringing a cat to your home with the happiness that you got a new companion, but that makes the situation worse as you start sneezing the whole day due to an allergy. More often than not, you will end up returning the cat or selling it.

Hence you must make sure whether the cat is hypoallergic. Among the few cats which cause fewer allergies, the Balinese cat will be one.

In the past, most people brought the concept that Balinese cats are hypoallergic. The truth is that Balinese cats are not hypoallergic, although they cause significantly fewer allergies compared to other long-haired cats.

The Balinese cats have the allergen Fel d1, which may cause allergies or asthma in humans. Although the Balinese cats contain the Fel d1 allergen, they will not shed much since they don’t have an undercoat.

Therefore, the spreading of allergen will be much less. Many people who have a Balinese cat in their home say that these cats did not cause any allergies. Indeed, the Balinese cats will only spread significantly less amount of allergen than the other hairy cat containing Fel d1 allergen.

The kittens and female Balinese cats will have much fewer allergens compared to the male Balinese. Now you might be clear regarding the topic of this article, which is “are Balinese cats hypoallergenic”?

Is it Safe to Have a Balinese cat at Home?

It is crucial to check whether bringing a Balinese cat home is safe before purchasing one. Balinese cats are intelligent cats that will make your surroundings lively and will be a good companion for you. And this cat will also get along with other pets at your home and the kids. But you must make sure you purchase a cat with an excellent health condition.

The Balinese cats can have problems with their eyes, liver, respiratory system, heart, or neurological system. Hence, when purchasing Balinese or any cat, you must ensure they are healthy and check on their vaccinations and other medications. Bringing a diseased Balinese cat home will not be safe, and you will have to spend a lot on its drugs.

On the other hand, if you think whether the Balinese can cause any allergies to the people at your home or are Balinese cats hypoallergenic, then yes, they may cause an allergic reaction. However, it is significantly less than other cats. If you got patients at home, then having a furry animal at your place will not be a good option.

But, with regular dwelling, Balinese cats will not cause any severe issues, and sometimes you will not even feel any allergies while having a Balinese cat. However, it is best to have a professional checkup and ensure that having the Balinese cat will be safe.

It would be best if you kept them well-groomed so that the surroundings would be secure and free from allergies. Most researchers say that having a healthy Balinese cat at your place will make the home energetic, and they don’t mention the allergy as it is very mild. 

We hope this article on “are Balinese cats hypoallergenic” has helped you gain some knowledge about Balinese cats and their allergies. Now, depending on the surroundings, you can decide whether it is safe to have a Balinese cat at your home. Cheers!

Click here to read, the top 10 Smartest Cat Breeds in USA by Adopt Anim.

Shen Nathan
Hi, I'm the founder of AdoptAnim! I have always wanted to help animals, so when I learned about the need for pet adoption, I knew it could help others. I have worked with pets since I was a child, and now that I am older, my passion for helping animals has only increased. My goal is to see as many animals as possible find their forever homes by providing them with financial support and information on how to care for them properly. Animals are so much more than just cute, furry creatures—they're also powerful agents of change. They help us see our humanity and remind us that we can be better than we are. I started this company to help people connect with animals on a deeper level, and we've done that! We work with rescue groups all over the country to find homes for dogs and cats, but we also do pet therapy, adoption and sharing knowledge about pets. We want to make sure that every rescue group has access to the resources necessary to keep their animals happy, healthy, and safe while they wait for their forever homes. The best part is that we can do all this because we love animals ourselves!